Flush immediately with cold water then work in liquid detergent from the back of the stain. rinse with cold water and remove any residue by treating with lemon juice and rinsing with household ammonia. Rinse thoroughly and was in the usual way. Unwashables Ink, once dried requires an acid to remove. For white fabrics wet thoroughly with cold water then sponge with a solution of oxalic acid and warm water. Rinse well then wash in the usual way.
We consume all kinds of harmful chemicals on a daily basis. The food we eat and clothes we wear are produced using chemical treatment, our cosmetics contain wholly unnatural ingredients and the sheets we sleep on have often been treated with pesticides and resins. Making organic food the focus of your diet can help to reduce the amount of chemicals entering your body – but by no means does it stop them completely. Many chemicals enter our bodies in the…
Use bicarb with a damp sponge to make your sink shine. You can also use it on hobs, in teacups and around the bath to get rid of tide marks, on taps, hobs & on work surfaces. It will remove soap scum from tiles, marks from kitchen cupboards and you can even use it to wash up if you run out of washing up liquid – simply add a handful to a bowl of warm water.
Water spots and stains on fixtures
If you have stainless, or nickel plated faucets and fixtures in your home you will probably find that they are very prone to water spots or water stains. You can keep them looking shiny longer without all those water stains - just clean as you usually would, dry and apply a coat of paste car wax and buff for a great shine. Keep water spots away longer!
To remove hard-water stains on your bathroom…
Your fridge shouldn't be overlooked when it comes to spring cleaning. Remove tough stains with white toothpaste and place an open packet of baking soda in the middle to absorb all those odours that don’t disappear with cleaning. And if the little drain at the back gets bunged up, take a piece of paper towel, dampen it and roll very tightly to create a makeshift pipe cleaner to fit into and clean the outlet.
Removing Red Wine Stains In a Emergency: All to often these stains happen while your enjoying an evening out. But don't worry, it's fairly simple to treat the stain before it sets in. Red wine is your favorite but order a glass of white wine or maybe treat yourself (and your shirt) to a glass of champagne and chase it with a splash of club soda. ... Grab your napkin and put it under the stained area. Pour the white…