Message from our CEO regarding our salaries.

Dear Employees,
I hope that you and all your family are well and safe.
As I promised to all of you during the last 7 weeks, we will support all of you during this difficult times, you are not alone on this crisis, I promised that we would pay everyone on the 1st of May as we normally do even if the furlough credits were not available, during the last few days some of you contacted us to make sure that you would get paid on the 1st of May as usual because you were running out of money, some of your family members lost their jobs with other companies and you will have only our salary to live with during the next month, that’s very sad news, but I’m here to help you, if you need anything please let me know and I will try to help you, as you know most of our contracts are closed now and we are losing a lot of money too but money it’s not the most important now, my main priority now is to save our company and to support all of you.

I can confirmed that I paid all of you in advance today to try to help all of you , you have the money now on your bank accounts.

My heart goes out to all who have been impacted by the virus, and I want to personally thank all of you who have committed to protect our clients and our company , every Thursday all UK claps for the key workers and all of you deserved that clapping, I’m very proud of all of you that still working at this difficult times, you are all Key workers